Algumas perguntas feitas no quiz costumam se repetir. A baixo algumas perguntas ja feitas, com a resposta na frente. Note que algumas palavras estão Sublinhadas, isso é como palavra chave, para ajudar a decorar.
A bind is a group of what type of fish: Salmon
A pearmain is what type of fruit: Apple
Citius altius fortius is the motto of what organization: Olympic
From which country does spinach originate: Iran
Grevys and burchells are types of what animal: Bears
How many rings on the olympics flag: Five (5)
Icthelogist study what: Fish
In 1969 what category was added to the nobel prizes: Economics
In china what colour does the bride traditionally wear: Red
In the chinese new year what year follows horse: Goat
In the hindu religion what is a mandir: Temple
In which city was the first public opera house opened: Venice
In which country was Auschwitz: Poland
In which month is the munich beer festival held: October
Laika was the first ever dog to do what: Go into space
On what date the 1988 olympics officially was opened: 17 september
On what date the 1992 olympics officially was opened: 25 july
On what date the 1996 olympics officially was opened: 19 july
Peter Goldmark invented what in 1948: LP record
The bovespa is the stock exchange in which country: Brazil
The world bungalow comes from which language: Hindi
Tokyo is the capital city of: Japan
What are a galliard, sarabande, morisca and courente: Dance types
What colour is the bull on an archery target: Gold
What colour is the cross on the greek flag: Black
What country do brazil nuts come from: Bolivia
What country has the worlds most vending machine per capita: Japan
What did the ancient greeks use instead of soap: Olive oil
What does God create in fifth day: Fish
What links - goa - kerula - assam - bihar: India
What is a chuckwalla: Lizard
What is the chemical symbol for chlorine: Cl
What is the chemical symbol for iron: Fe
What is the chemical symbol for lead: Pb
What is the chemical symbol for silicon: Si
What is the chemical symbol for sodium: Na
What is the chemical symbol for strontium: Sr
What is the last book of the bible: Genesis
What is the main ingredient of sauce lyonnaise: Onions
What nationality was morse inventor of the famous code: American
What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in moscow mule: Vodka
What weapon was invented by Ernest Swinton used in 1916: Tank
Where are the 2016 olympics held: Rio de janeiro
Where could you spend a marka: Finland
Where were the 1960 olympics held: Rome
Where were the 1980 olympics held: Moscow
Where were the 2012 olympics held: London
Which countries men use the most deodorant: Japan
Which country invented the mariners compass: China
Which of these sports is not played at the summer olympics: Climbing
Netball: Squash
Which metal is the best conductor of electricity: Silver
Who or what lives in formicarium: Ants
Yabusame is the japanese version of what sport: Archery
What nationality are the most immigrants to USA: Mexicans
Pyongyang: North Korea
Dennis Gabor: Holography
Clyde Tonbaugh: Pluto
What sort of animal is a Fennec: Desert Fox
Chinese year that follows Snake: Horse
Symbol of Zinc: Zn
Symbol of Argon: Ar
Kanga's Baby: Roo
Greek Flag Cross: Blue
Grevys and Burchells: Zebra
Saboteur uses: Shoes
Caries: Dentist
SI Illumination: Lux
St Cecilia: Music
Samoyed: Dog
What links Calabria, Liguria, Puglia and Veneto?: Regions of Italy
Sinologist: China
Titanic Sister Ship: Olympic
Longest River Italy: Po
William Addis: Toothbrush
First tea: Dutch
Bach: Coffee
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Fonte de algumas perguntas: http://axthdmo.blogspot.com.br/2017/04/dmoquiz.html
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